Ini buat yang bilang HomepagesFriend scam gw akhirnya dah bisa buktiin kalo ini bukan scam! Karena akhirnya gw baru sadar kalo gw udh dibayar dari tanggal 16 oktober bulan lalu.. Ini buktinya...
Ayo.. Tunggu apa lagi!!! Join HERE
HomepagesFriend Gw dibayar...!
HomepagesFriend - Wajah Baru MySearchFund
Jadi sekarang kita akan dibayar kalo search di yahoo. Buat yg belum jelas sistemnya gimana, udah pernah saya jelasin kok ditulisan sebelumnya. Silahkan diliat2 aja diblog ini..
Buat pelanggan lama tenang aja, account kita bakal otomatis pindah kewebsite barunya. Tampilannya lebih ok, dah katanya fungsinya akan terus bertambah. Ini emai yang saya dapat dari pihak MySearchFund perihal pergantian nama.
"New Website launch and partnership with YAHOO!
Dear Mysearch Funds user
We are contacting you to announce some really great news! Mysearch Funds is becoming Homepages Friends, as the first stage in a process to bring you new and exciting ways of making money on the internet, from more of the things you do everyday.
Over the next few days you will see the change to our new design and to the Homepages Friends name, and then over the next few weeks you’ll see some great additions to the service you already have – but first you will need to become a member of Homepages Friends. Don’t worry, all this will happen automatically and you don’t need to do anything at all - you will still be able to earn in exactly the same way from searching online, except that the search results will come from a new provider...
We are therefore very pleased to be able to announce that the biggest online host in the world - YAHOO! – has agreed to become our sole search feed provider.
You do not need to do anything to make this change, we will make it automatically over the next few days. Initially this won’t make any difference to the way your revenue accumulates, but we believe that working with a brand of this size and quality can only have a positive influence.
YAHOO! invented the paid search marketplace in 1998 and since then, has continued to drive the category as the market leader and innovator. Their range of products is extensive and we hope that through them and other new partners new content such as shopping channels, email, blogging and much more will now be provided through our new site Homepages Friends in the not too distant future.
We believe this is an exciting move forward for us and all our members and that the benefits to you will consolidate our position as an energetic revenue-generating online provider."
Ayo.. Tunggu apa lagi!!! Join HERE
Bikin Duit Selagi Tidur
Knp bisa gitu? Intinya dia numpang memproses data di pc kita... lumayan kan drpd pc kita nganggur mendingan daftar disini dapet duit... apalagi warnet! online terusss dapet duit teruss... Ditinggal tidur juga bisa selama pc kita idup.....
Tapi inget ngisi data disini harus jujur... Ntar soalnya dicek dan account kita bisa di non-aktifkan.... Buruan join DISINI
"Imagine telling your friends that your computer earns money while you are sleeping! It could happen if you are selected to be an Active Gomez PEER in the Gomez PEER Community.
That's great! What do I have to do?
Simple. To be eligible for the program, please follow these four easy steps.
1. Complete the online application form.
Gomez will be selecting a diverse group of PEERs to be paid for their processing time. Right now, Gomez is looking for users from all over the world with different Internet connection types, including dial-up and broadband users. Gomez will review your application within 14 business days and notify you of your account status via e-mail.
2. Download the Gomez PEER software.
By downloading the Gomez PEER, you can earn cash for your PC's Processing Time as well as help Gomez provide the most realistic picture of Web performance.
*NOTE* If you have already signed up, you can re- download the PEER by logging in and clicking on the DOWNLOAD link in the upper right hand box.
3. Install, setup and run the Gomez PEER software.
Unless you install, setup and run the Gomez PEER, we will not be able to activate your account. Please be sure that your Gomez PEER is running everytime you are online.
4. Register for a PayPal, Moneybookers, or Alipay account.
Every month, Gomez will distribute cash earned by Active Gomez PEERs using its online payment partners PayPal, Moneybookers, and Alipay. Please register with paypal if you do not currently have an account with any of the services.
After you install the Gomez PEER, it will recognize that your computer is on and you are connected to the Internet. The Gomez PEER runs in the background of your computer, processing work that is assigned to it by our servers -- all without you having to tell it what to do!"
Payment Proof

KutuKerja - Indonesia Freelancer Site
Disitu tempat para freelancer ngumpul, ntar ada yang ngasi project, terus tinggal kita bidding... Konsepnya mirip, tp ini versi Indonesia...
Kalo ga bisa IT juga suka ada project non-IT kayak freelancer marketing (jual produk), translate bahasa... Pokoknya wajib diliat deh!!
For freelancers (professionals) registering as a member is your first step to managing your career. By registering and posting your resume, you will have access to entities that seek for freelancers and you can get to work on a project right away. As for you project owners, simply enlighten us about your project!By putting your trust in us, will put our utmost effort to deliver our service to you at the highest quality for your satisfaction as well as ours"

Adoost - A New Way of Earning Extra Money.
The minimum payout is $10, deposited via PayPal, Alertpay, bank account and check.
Ini rate iklannya beda2 tergantung lama pendeknya iklan!! Jadi duitnya bisa kekumpul lebih banyak... Ayo buruan join HERE
Paid To Click Paling Heboh
Satu kali Clicknya $0.01-0.015
Disitu juga ada forum bahasa indonesianya.. Jd bisa chat pake bhs indonesia...
Min payoutnya $2 doang via alertpay... & Cashoutnya instant!!
Ayo buruan join!!
"NeoBux is a PTC(Paid To Click) site with around 50 thousand users that pays you to click on ads. It is the hottest PTC now-a-days because it has a very low minimum payout at $2 and the payment is done within seconds of requesting a payout. You get paid $0.01 for viewing each 30-second ad. NeoBux offers a large number of ads and makes trusted payments. Payments are made via AlertPay. Minimum payout is $2 for the first payout.
How do I earn with NeoBux?
You click an ad, then wait for the advertisement to load and then the timer to countdown, and then see if you get account credited message. Account credited message means the ad you viewed validated and you earned your one cent.
The minimum payout amount is set at $2.00 (two US dollars) for your first payout request, $3.00 (three US dollars) for the second, $4.00 (four US dollars) for the third and so on until $10.00 (ten US dollars). This means that when you reach or go beyond this limit, you can request your earned money. To become a standard member it's free. To be a Gold member, you need to pay and upgrade. But if you want, you can always stay a standard member and never upgrade and still earn. Here's what NeoBux states about earnings before and after upgrade:
Pioneer and Standard Membership
Per click: $0.010 (standard view) • $0.015 (extended view)
Per referral click: $0.005 (standard view) • $0.010 (extended view)
referrals purchases: Nothing
Golden Membership
Per click: $0.010 (standard view) • $0.020 (extended view)
Per referral click: $0.010 (standard view) • $0.020 (extended view)
referrals purchases: 10% of each purchase (advertisements, referrals, etc.) "
NeoBux Payment Proof

Cuma Liat Iklan Dibayar....
Jadi intinya lo dibayar buat liat iklan... ntar ada listnya tinggal lo click tunggu 30 detik ampe ada tulisan done, di close, ganti iklan lainnya
uang yang didapat adalah 1 cent per advertisement
Ini kirakira skema pendapatannya...
You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
Your daily earnings = $2.10
Your weekly earnings = $14.70
Your monthly earnings = $63.00
Caranya buat ikutan....
Pergi ke website-website dibawah ini...
FoxCash -> Yg ini Perclicknya $0.015
Website-website diatas udah diakuin di forum2 luar... Jadi ga mungkin scam!
Kalo udah register buat dapet duit pencet surf ads, klik satu2 ads yang ada disana
Ini dibayar via alertpay, buat bikin accountnya lgsg aja ke websitenya

Find It
- Adoost (1)
- HomepagesFriend (1)
- KutuKerja (1)
- MyLot (1)
- MySearchFund (1)
- NeoBux (1)
- Peer Gomez (1)
- PTC (1)