Knp bisa gitu? Intinya dia numpang memproses data di pc kita... lumayan kan drpd pc kita nganggur mendingan daftar disini dapet duit... apalagi warnet! online terusss dapet duit teruss... Ditinggal tidur juga bisa selama pc kita idup.....
Tapi inget ngisi data disini harus jujur... Ntar soalnya dicek dan account kita bisa di non-aktifkan.... Buruan join DISINI
"Imagine telling your friends that your computer earns money while you are sleeping! It could happen if you are selected to be an Active Gomez PEER in the Gomez PEER Community.
That's great! What do I have to do?
Simple. To be eligible for the program, please follow these four easy steps.
1. Complete the online application form.
Gomez will be selecting a diverse group of PEERs to be paid for their processing time. Right now, Gomez is looking for users from all over the world with different Internet connection types, including dial-up and broadband users. Gomez will review your application within 14 business days and notify you of your account status via e-mail.
2. Download the Gomez PEER software.
By downloading the Gomez PEER, you can earn cash for your PC's Processing Time as well as help Gomez provide the most realistic picture of Web performance.
*NOTE* If you have already signed up, you can re- download the PEER by logging in and clicking on the DOWNLOAD link in the upper right hand box.
3. Install, setup and run the Gomez PEER software.
Unless you install, setup and run the Gomez PEER, we will not be able to activate your account. Please be sure that your Gomez PEER is running everytime you are online.
4. Register for a PayPal, Moneybookers, or Alipay account.
Every month, Gomez will distribute cash earned by Active Gomez PEERs using its online payment partners PayPal, Moneybookers, and Alipay. Please register with paypal if you do not currently have an account with any of the services.
After you install the Gomez PEER, it will recognize that your computer is on and you are connected to the Internet. The Gomez PEER runs in the background of your computer, processing work that is assigned to it by our servers -- all without you having to tell it what to do!"
Payment Proof

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