Guys ini semacem forum tp kita dibayar!! sekali ngepost kita dibayar sekitar $0.01...
Tp commentnya pake bhs inggris! sekalian blajar deh..
Minimum cahoutnya 10$ pake paypal
"Another way to start making money is MyLot which pays you when you start a discussion and when people respond to your posts. What exactly you get paid is not disclosed but its roughly around $0.05 per post and $0.01 when someone respond to your post. Well the money are not a lot but if you write about some topics that you like and people respond to them then you can start getting some.
The requirements on the posts are not very strict either. Basically don't post nonsense and questions that require answers of Yes/No nature, copyrighted material etc (read more guidelines here). Thus the conversations don't need too much preparation, which leads sometimes to very lame discussions but anyway its up to you to make conversations more interesting.
Another way to get some money from MyLot is to refer people to sign up and then you get 25% of their earnings. "
langsung aja klik disini....
Ini ada payment proofnya
Ayo post yg banyak......
Minimum cahoutnya 10$ pake paypal
"Another way to start making money is MyLot which pays you when you start a discussion and when people respond to your posts. What exactly you get paid is not disclosed but its roughly around $0.05 per post and $0.01 when someone respond to your post. Well the money are not a lot but if you write about some topics that you like and people respond to them then you can start getting some.
The requirements on the posts are not very strict either. Basically don't post nonsense and questions that require answers of Yes/No nature, copyrighted material etc (read more guidelines here). Thus the conversations don't need too much preparation, which leads sometimes to very lame discussions but anyway its up to you to make conversations more interesting.
Another way to get some money from MyLot is to refer people to sign up and then you get 25% of their earnings. "
langsung aja klik disini....
Ini ada payment proofnya
Ayo post yg banyak......
wanna cheap travel even free...
travel to the most beautiful place where everything is perfect. everything is just like what you used to want badly.
there even no rules to limit what you do. you can just do anything you do with anyone you want.
ok.. try to close your eyes, take a calm deep breath. and start your travel in your imagination. (even brain can't make any difference between imagination and reality) just use your senses in your imagination.
tips : try Bali or Hawaii... not with your spouse. try your eks, that would be better.
remember to do such naughty travel like that only in your imagination.