HomepagesFriend - Wajah Baru MySearchFund

Masi inget MySearchFund!? Kita dibayar kalo search di google.. Nah sekarang ini mereka pindah provider dan ganti nama.. Mereka pindah ke yahoo dan berganti nama menjadi HomepagesFriends, jelas websitenya juga pindah.
Jadi sekarang kita akan dibayar kalo search di yahoo. Buat yg belum jelas sistemnya gimana, udah pernah saya jelasin kok ditulisan sebelumnya. Silahkan diliat2 aja diblog ini..
Buat pelanggan lama tenang aja, account kita bakal otomatis pindah kewebsite barunya. Tampilannya lebih ok, dah katanya fungsinya akan terus bertambah. Ini emai yang saya dapat dari pihak MySearchFund perihal pergantian nama.

"New Website launch and partnership with YAHOO!
Dear Mysearch Funds user
We are contacting you to announce some really great news! Mysearch Funds is becoming Homepages Friends, as the first stage in a process to bring you new and exciting ways of making money on the internet, from more of the things you do everyday.
Over the next few days you will see the change to our new design and to the Homepages Friends name, and then over the next few weeks you’ll see some great additions to the service you already have – but first you will need to become a member of Homepages Friends. Don’t worry, all this will happen automatically and you don’t need to do anything at all - you will still be able to earn in exactly the same way from searching online, except that the search results will come from a new provider...
We are therefore very pleased to be able to announce that the biggest online host in the world - YAHOO! – has agreed to become our sole search feed provider.
You do not need to do anything to make this change, we will make it automatically over the next few days. Initially this won’t make any difference to the way your revenue accumulates, but we believe that working with a brand of this size and quality can only have a positive influence.
YAHOO! invented the paid search marketplace in 1998 and since then, has continued to drive the category as the market leader and innovator. Their range of products is extensive and we hope that through them and other new partners new content such as shopping channels, email, blogging and much more will now be provided through our new site Homepages Friends in the not too distant future.
We believe this is an exciting move forward for us and all our members and that the benefits to you will consolidate our position as an energetic revenue-generating online provider."

Ayo.. Tunggu apa lagi!!! Join HERE


Anonymous said...

saya juga udah coba mysearchfunds. bagus kok. dalam sebulan udah dapet 4 euro.
lumayan darpada lu manyun.
cuma sayang kenapa pindak ke yahoo.

saya coba serach di yahoo and google beda lho hasilnya.
menurut pengamatan saya, google lebih dapat diandalkan dalam pencarian.

Anonymous said...

aku kok dapat surat macam gini yah

If you have not noticed we have put your Account Number at the top of the menu on your Account page. Now that this is displayed we ask that you ALWAYS include your Account Number within the subject of ANY emails to us. If you do not include your Account Number within the Subject of your email address then we will NOT reply to your email. The reason for this is that without this number it takes us a long time to find you on our system and so it helps us speed up our response to your emails. All emails before this date without the Account Number wil be answered but any after today without the Account Number in the subject will not be answered. Thanks for using our service and please tell your friends! Julie

maksudnya gimana yah?
thanks before

Admin said...

Itu maksudnya kalo mau ngirim email ke supportnya subject emailnya harus ID anda ga boleh yg lain..
Btw saya jg kecewa sih krn dia pindah ke yahoo tp apa boleh buat.. kl ga nemu di yahoo br pindah aja ke google :)

ToT!! said...

gan kok g bisa di klik joinya, lagian gimana cara pembayaranya tu maksudnya sekali kita browsing lewat ntu ya? tlong pencerahanya

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